Duane Boehm
author : Duane BoehmDuane Boehm is a bestselling author of western novels. His books continue to reach the number one spot on Amazon in the western genre. Known for his character development and humor, his westerns are as much a look into the human condition as they are a western. Duane's novels combine the action of a classic western with romance for anyone that believes in love and redemption.\n\nEarly in his life, Duane developed his love for westerns. He fondly remembers watching Bonanza and Gunsmoke with his grandpa. He could also empathize with Little Joe in dealing with all that curly hair. From those early days, he found his calling as a writer of western novels.\n \nDuane grew up on a farm outside of Petersburg, Illinois. All the time spent driving a tractor gave him plenty of opportunity to let his imagination run wild and not tear up too much equipment. Besides his love of westerns, the two passions he acquired at a young age were the love of playing guitar and reading books. He eventually moved to a mini-farm outside of Murfreesboro, Tennessee with his wife, and replaced planting corn with trees and raising dogs. For a number of years he worked as an IT consultant and continued with being a part-time musician and songwriter. He dabbled in writing short stories with the idea in the back of his mind that someday he would write a novel. One Christmas after watching \ View more >>